Vermont Symphony Orchestra



VSO has a long history of commissioning composers; below is a list of composers and works commissioned since 2020. (Above: Suad Bushnaq, Carlos Simon, Zoe Keating, Daniel Bernard Roumain, Nico Muhly, and Molly Joyce)


Chelsea Komschlies: Title TBC work for orchestra

  • Will premiere 2028/29 season. Commissioned via the League of American Orchestras’ Virginia B. Toulmin Foundation Orchestral Commissions Program.


Matt LaRocca: Bow It Down (posthumous Pete Sutherland)


Nico Muhly: Sounding piano concerto


Sophie Kastner: Terminus and Peter Hamlin: Lake Champlain – 11 Hours, July 18, 2023


Kyle Saulnier: Foundation of Sand


Zoë Keating: [No title]


Roberto Sierra: Ficciones


Patricia Julien: & Gretel Hansel KinRumpelStilts


Matthew Evan Taylor: From despair…light!


Daniel Bernard Roumain: Riots and Prayers


Carlos Simon: Warmth of Other Suns (second movement) and Ray Vega: Buscando Doña Juana Figueroa


Suad Bushnaq: Sampson’s Walk on Air


Molly Joyce: Release


Commissioned composers prior to 2020 include, but are not limited to, Su Lian Tan, David Ludwig, Eric Nielsen, Jennifer Jolley, Dennis Bathory-Kitz, Pierre Jalbert, Paul Dedell, numerous Music-COMP students, and others.