Where were you born and (if different) where did you grow up? Krakow, Poland
Current residence and marital status/family: Boston/married/2 guinea pigs (Ginger, Lilly)
Education: Doctor of Musical Arts and Maters degree (Boston University)
When did you start playing with the VSO? 2016
Other current jobs besides VSO: Albany Symphony, Symphony New Hampshire, Virtuoso Soloists of New York, Boston University Tanglewood Institute and violin studio at the Rensselear Polytechnic Institute in Troy, NY.
Favorite composer: it’s an impossible question to ask but amongst favorites are 3Bs, Mozart and Schubert.
Hobbies: long distance running, hiking, yoga, vegan/vegetarian cooking, traveling, movies, making a mess!
How did you get started in music? My parents are both professional musicians and they inspired me to play the violin.
Describe a typical day: My schedule is ever changing.
Dream job if not musician: international lawyer
Secret ambition: climb up K2 and to teach my husband how to ski….in that order!
Favorite vice: banana chips
Best advice I ever got: Climb every mountain!
Favorite way to spend an evening: great food followed by a movie
I’m most proud of: my family travels and my work as a musician.