Is your little one penning a letter to Santa? If so, we invite them to participate in our letter writing contest to hear what young kids in Vermont wish for the holiday season. Select letters will be read aloud at the VSO’s family-friendly Holiday Pops concerts on December 10, 11,[…]
The VSO Blog
Cliff Notes on Classical Series: October 30 Concert
Get an overview of the concert program in advance of the VSO concert at the Flynn on October 30. Maurice Ravel’s Le Tombeau de Couperin Originally composed for solo piano, this six-movement piece has been transformed and explored in huge variety of ways. Start with the Henderson-Kolk acoustic guitar duo’s[…]
VSO Announces MasterClef Finalists!
We’re excited to welcome 13 young Vermont composer finalists to Burlington for our MasterClef workshop, and the VSO concert at the Flynn next week! The finalists are Elizabeth Messier (12th grade) and Frankie Fidler (10th grade) from Champlain Valley Union High School; Naomi Shpaner (8th grade) from Colchester Middle School;[…]
VSO Launches 2021/2022 Season with New Music Director Candidates & World Premiere of Concerto Honoring a Vermonter
Vermont Symphony Orchestra returns to live performances at the Flynn and across the state, starting October 30, 2021. Highlights VSO returns to live, indoor, and in-person performances on October 30, 2021, at the Flynn, followed by a statewide string quartet tour in November and holiday concerts in December. The nationwide[…]
VSO Announces New Statewide Music Competition Open to Vermont Students in Grades 6-12
Vermont Symphony Orchestra Partners with Award-Winning Film Composer Suad Bushnaq on “MasterClef”; Deadline to Submit Entries is October 12 The Vermont Symphony Orchestra (VSO) announces MasterClef, a statewide music composition competition open to Vermont students enrolled in sixth through twelfth grades (or home-schooled). Young music composers are invited to riff[…]