Paulina Dixon was born and raised in Dallas, Texas and now calls Boston home. In the fall of 2023, she auditioned for and won the second horn position with the VSO. “The audition process was very smooth and efficient. The communication, kindness, and encouragement displayed by the staff and audition[…]
Just for Fun
VSO Children’s Holiday Wish Letter Writing Contest
Is your little one penning a letter to Santa? If so, we invite them to participate in our letter writing contest to hear what young kids in Vermont wish for the holiday season. Select letters will be read aloud at the VSO’s family-friendly Holiday Pops concerts on December 10, 11,[…]
Love is in the Air!
Cupid is frolicking in the air this month, and with Valentine’s Day right around the corner, no one is guaranteed safe from his quiver and bow. If as Shakespeare said, “Music be the food of love,” these musical couples are feasting! Get to know some of the musical lovebirds in[…]
Virtual Summer Festival Tour
Thanks to all who stopped by our website last week for our first-ever Virtual Summer Festival Tour. Though we missed performing for you in person, it was fun putting together the videos, memories, and music to share with you. We’re keeping all of the materials up on our website so[…]
Classical Music Humor
Despite its reputation as a formal, refined art form, humor abounds in the classical music world—after all, those who make a career out of performing frustratingly difficult music have to find some kind of coping mechanism. And as Vermont finishes its fourth week under a stay-at-home order, we figure many[…]