Vermont Symphony Orchestra


MasterClef Showcase and Workshop

The masterclass in music composition will take place on October 28, 2022 from 5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. at Contois Auditorium in Burlington with composer Dr. Matthew Evan Taylor and a panel of respondents. The masterclass will be open to the public and may be recorded; no advance registrations are required. The first-place[…]

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VSO at the Flynn: A Laredo Salute

Buy Tickets Here Vermont audiences finally get to enjoy our esteemed longtime Music Director’s “farewell” concert, originally planned for spring 2021. The program begins with the very first piece Jaime Laredo ever conducted with the VSO, George Walker’s poignant Lyric for Strings. Violinist Bella Hristova then joins the orchestra to perform Saturn Bells, a[…]

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Jukebox Brunch at Higher Ground

Buy Tickets Here   Join the VSO Jukebox Quartet for a Jukebox Brunch at Higher Ground on April 23 at 11:00 a.m. The VSO is teaming up with Encore Catering to offer breakfast sandwiches and donuts with a fixed price ticket+brunch option. Stand-alone tickets will also be sold, and a[…]

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Vermont Youth Orchestra Side-by-Side Concert

Buy Tickets 21 VSO musicians will join the Vermont Youth Orchestra’s (VYO) winter concert “La fiesta Mexicana” for music accompanied by video projections created by Champlain College Emergent Media Center students. Conducted by VYO Music Director Mark Alpizar, the VSO will accompany two pieces: José Pablo Moncayo’s Huapango, which takes its name[…]

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VSO at the Flynn: Electric Dreams

Buy Tickets Here The VSO’s final Music Director candidate, Andrew Crust, has chosen a rich and varied program that explores the full range of orchestral colors. The concert begins with Oiseaux bleus et sauvages by Canadian composer Jocelyn Morlock, a shimmering symphonic aviary showcasing the flute. The first half concludes with the Vermont[…]

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